Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Mobility of Labor:

Meaning and Definition:

"Mobility of labor refers to movement of labor from one place to another or changing of profession or status or grade".


Mobility of labor is of five types.

(i) Geographical mobility. It means the movement of labor from one peace to another.
(ii) Horizontal mobility. Horizontal mobility of labor is from one Job to another having similar status or salary in the same or some other profession.
(iii) Vertical mobility. It is the movement of worker from a junior position to a senior position. 
(iv) Occupational mobility. If refers to the change of profession by a worker for higher status or income. 

(v) Social mobility. It is the movement of worker from one social class to another e.g., the daughter of a labor becomes a doctor.

Factors Promoting Mobility of Labor:

The main factors which promote mobility of labor are:

(i) Increase in wages.

(ii) Better conditions of work.

(iii) Strong urge to make progress in life.

(iv) peace and security.

(v) Better means of communication and transport.

(vi) Quality of education.

(vii) Development projects.

Obstacles to Mobility of Labor:


The main hindrances or obstacles to mobility of labor are as under:

(i) Home sickness.

(ii) Unfavorable climatic conditions.

(iii) Difference in customs.

(iv) Language barrier.

(v) Restrictions imposed by the government.

(vi) political disturbances.

(vii) Ethnic disturbances.

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